I'm teaching Xena how to walk on a leash. I thought this would be impossible, but it's actually proving to be pretty easy, especially now that she's got a harness. She doesn't pull the way Max did, and she's a lot better at ignoring other dogs than I thought she would be. The biggest problem I'm having, actually, is conquering her fears. Sometimes she gets a little skittish--I don't know if it's from a sound or a smell or what--and she just sits down in the middle of the street. Today I walked her to a nearby park, and she wouldn't go in. About half a block away, she tucked her tail between her legs. Of course I didn't force her, just turned around and walked back home together. I'll keep trying, though. I'm hoping that the more I walk her, the more comfortable and confident she'll get.
it's barely a park, really. when my mom was a kid, it was a school, and when I was a kid, it was just an empty field. several years ago, they put in a swingset, and today I noticed that they've added a basketball court. there's a paved walking path circling the park. I hardly ever see anyone over there
so i totally miss that pup waking me up in the morning by licking my face!!
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