Sunday, July 5, 2009

Grown Up

This year was kind of a lame 4th of July. Xena got sick on Friday, and although she's feeling better now, she's been moping around the house all weekend. I'm not really sure what was wrong with her, but I suspect she got into something in the backyard that she turned out to be allergic to. Both of her eyes were swollen, which I treated with some eye drops from the vet (who said the swelling could've been from a bug bite or a bump on the head), and then she got very sick to her stomach. Anyway, whatever it was must've worked its way out of her system, because she's fine now. Still a little sleepy/mopey, but her appetite is back and she's been running around outside a little bit.

Last night I found a diary I kept for two weeks in April 2007. I realized just how much I feel like a completely different person from who I was then. Also yesterday, I realized that I actually like Adult Contemporary music now (and have no patience for the new "cool" Top 40 stuff). I guess I'm officially a Grown Up. I never really thought that I'd feel like an adult, and I don't remember there being one day in my life where the line was firmly drawn between childhood and adulthood, but looking back over the last two years of my life...well, the line is there. And I think it's been there for a while. And I'm not really sad about it.

In other news... leaving for Italy in 9 days. Bring on the kisses, the love, the ice cream, the 4-star hotel with free room service, The Balcony, the parties. ♥

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