Friday, March 13, 2009

Book Worm

I just finished my 9th book of 2009! That's almost half of the total number of books I read in 2008 (20 in all). I'm not really sure how this has been accomplished. I mean, I don't really feel like I've been reading more often than I did last year. I have been reading better books, though. I mean, quicker books. The last three have been contemporary forensic thrillers, and I read all three in the past 2 and a half weeks. I'm taking a break from the genre, however. I have a stack of Kathy Reichs books, seven deep, waiting for me on the desk, but this last one (Déjà Dead) has given me nightmares and made sleeping through the night difficult. My cousin recently loaned a couple of books to me, The War Against Miss Winter and The Winter of Her Discontent, and I'm excited to dive back into mid-20th Century America. Well, the books weren't actually written then, but they're set in the time period, so it's close enough.

And I have plenty of other books on my reading list for the rest of the year! Here's a little peek at what will be keeping me busy:
And, of course, lots others! Hopefully I can keep my current pace. Maybe I'll actually be able to finish the 50 Book Challenge this year?

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