Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Setting the World Record in Multi-Tasking

Another week of very little to post. I've got a hundred billion projects in progress right now, which leaves little time for making food, much less taking & posting pictures of food. I'm trying to knit three blankets and two sweaters by the end of September (yes, I am this crazy...but at least these are all baby-sized things!), working on a super secret project for a guest post on the soon-to-launch Simple Makes (whose temporary home can be found here), reading (I finished two books last week), watching the Olympics (more about this in a minute), and totally, like, freaking out about where I'm going to be living in six months. This is all on top of working 40 hours a week. Needless to say, I have not been getting enough sleep.

Part of my lack of sleep is due to the Olympics, which I'm totally psyched about this year. It's been a long time since I've actually watched the Games. The last time I really watched them was maybe 2002, the Salt Lake City winter games. This was probably just because they were in the US, though, because I didn't watch the 2000 summer games in Sydney or the 1998 winter games in Nagano. No, the last time I was this absorbed in the competition was the summer of 1996, when they were in Atlanta. Typically I'm much more into the summer competition than the winter, although I did watch some of the snowboarding and skiing events in 2006 at Torino. And of course ice skating. No matter how bored I get with the other events, I always watch ice skating in winter and gymnastics in summer. Anyway, back to my original point: because of my work schedule, I miss out on the primetime showing of the events that I love (swimming and gymnastics). But the re-airing is always at the exact right point that I want to see when I get home at 2AM! So I stay up until 4AM, watching Michael Phelps win another gold and break another record, enduring the stumbles and falls of the men's and women's gymnastics teams. And by 4AM, I'm too pumped up from all of the nail-biting tension to go to sleep.

Oh, and did I mention that I'm in the process of cataloging my mother's expansive library? This is a Project with a capital P. She's got so many books, almost every surface of our dining room is covered with them. I've been at this for an hour, and I've barely made a dent.

1 comment:

Lori Ann said...

Hi! Besides noticing & wanting to thank you for linking to me (have fun on all your projects!) I was laughing because today I realized I've been doing too much on-the-computer multitasking...

p.s. I similarly 1) haven't really watched the Olympics since 1996, 2) watch all the winter olympics' ice skating, and 3) all the summer olympics' gymnastics :-D