Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm working on a new knitting project now. No, I haven't finished my socks. I haven't even finished the instep decreases on the first sock. I don't know how it happened, but I lost my 5th size 1 dpn. One minute, it was in my hand, and the next minute, it was gone. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find it! And right now, I don't really have the money to go buy a new set (mostly because I know I won't make it out of the yarn store with just the needles). So I've started a new project! It's a little lace-edged cardigan for a baby girl. I'm trying to decide which buttons to use...leaning toward the silver ones with engraved hearts.

Yesterday I got about 10 or 11 inches chopped off my hair. I really wanted to look nice with long hair, but I didn't, and it was such a pain in the neck to take care of. Now it's back to the way it was my senior year of college, and although it's a bit shorter than what I really wanted, I love it. I think it'll be the perfect length by the time I'm in Italy (3 weeks!!!).

As for my 'big exciting secret news': I'm getting married! Well, we're not engaged yet, which is why I didn't want to share this news until I got back from Italy. But we've already started planning our wedding, which will be later this year. As I'm sure you can imagine, planning a trans-Atlantic wedding is a logistical nightmare. After abandoning several plans, we decided to have the wedding in Italy. Talk about 'big exciting'! Unfortunately, this plan is in limbo right now due to the terrible state of the economy (and the fact that my dad really doesn't understand how expensive weddings are!). So I'm a bit disappointed about it all, and of course I'm really excited to get married, but I'm not really excited about the wedding anymore.


Andrea said...

OMG Yeay!!! Congratulations you silly girl!

I'm having the same problems with my hair too. I want it long and happy but it's a few inches past my shoulders and it's not that great. I'm considering chopping it off for spring.

Anyway, I'm so happy for you!

♥whitney said...

thanks, andrea!! :)

Lori Ann said...

I like the heart button!!

I hope things'll change so you can look forward to your wedding :-)

♥whitney said...

thanks, lori ann! it looks like we probably won't be having a wedding after all, but it's okay because we're both looking forward to marriage much more than we were looking forward to the wedding

arialllll said...

You don't think you'll have a wedding now? :-( What happened?

♥whitney said...

oh, it's a long story, but basically we couldn't have the wedding in italy and we decided we'd rather not have a wedding than to have one that wasn't what we wanted. I guess that sounds kind of bratty, but we really felt like, to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding, it should be because it's what we want, not just for the sake of having a wedding. anyway, it'll probably work out better to *not* have a wedding, because we're both such low-key, private people.