Sunday, August 24, 2008

Giovanni's Squishy New Friend

About a bazillion years ago, when dinosaurs and woolly mammoths roamed the earth, I started knitting this elephant. And last night, I finished it. It didn't really take me eons to knit this little bugger--only about a week, actually. But I became endlessly frustrated when trying to pick up stitches for the ears (I was really worried that they wouldn't be symmetrical), and I buried him in a knitting drawer, under thirty or forty half-finished socks. He probably would've remained there until the next ice age, but I guess I promised him to a little bambino named Giovanni. And he just couldn't make his trip across the sea without ears! So I faced my fears of asymmetry, and actually I think I was worried about nothing, because he looks pretty balanced to me. And even if he isn't, wonkiness is a bit cute anyway, I think. Oh, he's so Italian...already drinking espresso!

[ raveled. ]

In other knitting news, I've finished the first of my Unnecessary Distraction socks (the second probably won't be knit until October or November):

For those who wonder about these things, up next I'll be knitting Ysolda's Sophie and Otto, for my friend Sara's twins. I'm going to try to find some little plastic rattle thingies to put inside them. I'm thinking lime green for Otto and purple for Sophie...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg! the elephant is sooooo cute!! i still have your bday present from last year in my room! i really need to send that, lol.