Sunday, November 30, 2008

Counting Blessings

A lot of unfortunate things have happened in the past couple months. Not just to me, of course, and really I suppose I haven't had the worst of it. Although I've lost two pets, I haven't lost any of the people I love, and I'm in good health and fortunate not to have felt the effects of the financial crisis. I'm always cursing my bad luck, but I rarely stop to think about what good luck I've had. I have a really wonderful family that loves and supports me. I'm in love with the most amazing man I've ever met, who is so perfect for me, it's like I dreamed him up myself. And recently, I was able to travel to one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and I had an incredible time while I was there.

The end of the year always makes me feel reflective, and right now I'm reading Little Women, which has made me reflect on my blessings. Last night I read the chapter "Meg Goes to Vanity Fair," in which Meg travels with a couple of rich friends, dressing up and attending parties. Although initially vain and envious of her friends' fine things, in the end she realizes that the more she has, the more she wants, and she'd rather be poor, content, and loved.

Sometimes I feel like I get lost in everything that's going on around me. The world moves so fast, everything has to be done right now, everybody's always wanting more. Lori Ann recently wrote a post about anti-multitasking, and it got me thinking about slowing down. Concentrating on one thing at a time. Putting all of my love and energy into the little details of a project before moving on to another one.

So love and contentment will be my pursuits for the next year, being thankful for my blessings instead of dwelling on my misfortunes. My hope is that this inner peace will be reflected in my outer behavior. I've wasted entirely too much time being moody and sullen this year.

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