Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Blog

I'm starting over. Tabula rasa and all that jazz. I used to be hyper-dedicated to my blog, A Story About Loving, for which I'd signed up using my old college email address (at the time, my primary account). Since then I've graduated from college and onto Gmail, and signing into Blogger with a different account has become an annoyance. Thus my lovely blog and her crafty supplement, Agnellino, have fallen by the wayside. This new (and possibly improved?) site is now under the ever-expanding umbrella of my Gmail account, so gone are my excuses to be a lazy blogger.

Instead of a boring autobiographical sketch, here are 10 random facts:
  1. My all-time favorite book is Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman, although a very close runner-up is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.
  2. When I was in high school, I participated in a few community art projects at CityArts. My favorite was CANstruction, in which several teams competed to build "sculptures" out of cans of food. My team, which won Best in Show, constructed a giant ear of corn using cans of corn and sauerkraut. After the competition, all of the cans were donated to the Kansas Food Bank.
  3. My favorite colors are brown and yellow. Brown makes me feel cozy and warm, while yellow is sunny and fresh.
  4. One of my favorite sounds in the world is the sound my oven makes when opening & closing. The oven is original to the house, which was built in the 1950s. The sound it makes reminds me of my mother baking cookies.
  5. I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday morning than snuggling up with my sweetheart and solving a sudoku puzzle together.
  6. I have a dog who likes to walk on two legs and give hugs and eat bananas. His full name is Maximus Stinkimus Porkimus Dorkimus, but we just call him Max. And he will literally take you down for some cinnamon toast!
  7. My sweetheart is from Italy, and since his parents don't speak English, I'm trying to learn Italian. So far I'm not doing so hot. But if there's a dog jumping somewhere, or I need to identify a nose, I'm totally set.
  8. I'm obsessed with babies and Christmas ornaments.
  9. I love to buy cooking magazines, but just for the pictures. I almost never cook anything from a magazine (except for the Betty Crocker magazines you can get at the grocery store). I think La Cucina Italiana is like the Penthouse of food porn.
  10. My favorite candies in the entire world are those little strawberry hard candies wrapped up to look like strawberries. I've always loved them, and until I see scientific proof that they cause some horrible disease that makes your brain bleed out through your ears, I will continue to love them until I die. In fact, I'm just going to say it now, I'd like to be buried with some--just in case I'm not actually dead and I need something to cheer me up after I realize that I've been buried alive by my nearest & dearest.

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